Some how I've made it through this very emotional week on track with my eating! I love the Paleo lifestyle. 6 months ago, this week would have been filled with pizza, ice cream, and chocolate. My body didn't want it though, and it was easy for me to continue eating healthy!
For those of you not familiar with the term "Paleo," it's also referred to as the Caveman diet. Basically, anything I caveman would have eaten is fair game. Rule of thumb is if it doesn't grow from the ground, have a mother, or a face then DO NOT EAT IT! There's tons of information out on the web about this lifestyle, so I'm not going to go into too much detail, but after living this way for just over 5 months I'm down 38lbs and feel amazing. I've started to really see food as fuel. I can recognize when I need more protein or healthy fats to keep me satisfied. I'm not consistently thinking about what I'm going to eat next, or how many calories it is.... OHHHHH, that's the BEST part of Paleo. I have NOT counted one stupid calorie since eating this way. That's right... down 38lbs and NO CALORIE counting. I do keep a food journal, but that just has my thoughts and feelings (sometimes pictures) about what I eat and why. It's a great release for me, and it allows me to go back and make connections to how I was feeling and what "fuel" my body was running on.
Great thing about the Paleo lifestyle is that it doesn't have to be an all or nothing. I haven't given up chocolate... but I am working to reduce my intake just for special occasions. Same with alcohol... I do love a good Harpoon IPA :) I plan out my events when I get to enjoy an IPA treat. This past weekend was the 4th Annual Wig Night Out! It's a fabulous bar crawl that you get to dress up and have fun. I was careful with the amount of beer I drank, and was still able to have a fantastic time! I actually went home and drank a protein shake before going too bed. I could only think about Kendra's Teeter Totter, and that I had way to many carbs in my body and I needed to even it out with protein! For those of you who haven't gotten the 411 on the Teeter Totter... don't worry it's coming :)
I'm so happy I gave this lifestyle a shot and learned what's really going on in my body when I eat. More to come on what I'm actually eating on a daily basis, but for now check out He's got a lot of great information on what he calls "Primal Living."
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Dude my picture is on your blog! FAMOUS! :)