CrossFit as defined by Wikipedia:
CrossFit is a strength and conditioning brand which combines weightlifting, sprinting, and gymnastics, powerlifting, kettlebell training, plyometrics, rowing, and medicine ball training.[1] CrossFit contends that a healthy, fit person requires proficiency in each of ten general physical skills: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, and accuracy.[2] It defines fitness as increased work capacity across all these domains and says its program achieves this by provoking neurologic and hormonal adaptations across all metabolic pathways.
CrossFit as defined by Jenny:
It is a group workout that can be modified for any fitness level. You warm up together and learn a skill for the day. The skills are based around lifts or bodyweight exercises like pull-ups or L-sits. Once you learn the skill you add weight and enter the strength portion of the work out. Usually you lift heavy for short reps. Then it's time for the "fun" with the daily WOD (Work Out of the Day). This can be a combination of anything usually lasting between 10-20minutes. The WOD I did last night was...
8 Min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)
16 weighted lunges (15# overhead)
10 Toes to Bar (I modified this to laying on the floor and raising my legs up high to get a good core workout)
At the end of 8 minutes I had completed 4 rounds plus 16 lunges. The next time we do this WOD, I'll look back in my journal to see how I have improved!
There are WODs that are very well known that are labeled with Girls' Names. When there's a girl's name on the board, it's never good. The one that stands out the most in my mind is Angie.
100 Pull-ups
100 Push-ups
100 Sit ups
100 Squats
We did this WOD at the beginning and end of the Paleo Challenge this winter. I used the same modifications both times and was able to improve my time by almost 4 minutes!!!
I've wanted to mention my "teammates" through this whole blog, but we're technically not a team. We are a community though. I go to crossfit knowing I'll be working out side by side with many different levels of athletes, but that they all are there to improve themselves. If you're pushing through a heavy lift, someone will cheer you on. If you just accomplished a goal, you'll get high fives from everyone in the room. If you're the last to finish a WOD, everyone will be there cheering you on and work with you to the end. This is not your normal gym where everyone has tunnel vision and you have no idea who you're working out to. This is a family that wants you to succeed and be there for you on the journey.
If you google Crossfit, there are tons of videos and descriptions out there. Some of them are very intimidating. What I want to get across through this blog is that EVERYTHING IS MODIFYABLE. The people you see online are at the top level of Crossfitters. They have worked a long time to be able to do what they do. With that said, one day I want to be there and I will. I've posted a video below to show some awesome Crossfit women that are out there today!
Another great blog to read that has a very clear description of crossfit is Thank you Caitlin for passing that along to me!
You are my hero!!!!!!